
No consigo identificar este bicho. Creo que es de la Familia de los Mántidos, vamos de las Mantis, en concreto creo que es una Empusa Pennata


5 comentarios:

  1. I looked up Empusa Pennata, and I think you are correct. A really nice photo. Looked back through many of your posts and your photography is very well done, and enjoyed viewing them all. I can also see you are a lover of many types of fine beers :)

  2. At first I thought it was a stick bug, but looking for similarities on the internet I found that it was a praying mantis. Thank you for your visit.

  3. What an amazing shot! It does look like a praying mantis to me.

  4. Thanks for your visit my photoblog.

  5. What a fabulous capture of your visitor!

    Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is greatly appreciated!!


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